1. Hanuman Chalisa Pathan

We need to chant 108 times Hanuman Chalisa in a given Day's time (Sunrise to next Sunrise) during this 1 month period (from Vat Pournima up to Guru Pournima).
This can be done in the entire 24 hours of the day and not required to do at a single stretch sitting. It can be done in any number of mantra sequence e.g. 9 times x 12 or 18 times x 6 or 27 times x 4, or can do in a random sequence of 30, 50, 27 sittings by taking couple of breaks during the entire Day.
P.P.Bapu has said that ......"This removes all the Bad & Negative effects of one's person for an entire year"
This can be done in the entire 24 hours of the day and not required to do at a single stretch sitting. It can be done in any number of mantra sequence e.g. 9 times x 12 or 18 times x 6 or 27 times x 4, or can do in a random sequence of 30, 50, 27 sittings by taking couple of breaks during the entire Day.
P.P.Bapu has said that ......"This removes all the Bad & Negative effects of one's person for an entire year"
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